do alec and kaleb get paid for commercials

Having worked with non-profits, I’ve seen how spokeskids like Alec and Kaleb can profoundly impact fundraising efforts. While their roles are invaluable, whether they receive direct payment remains a nuanced and often private matter. Their involvement, however, is undeniably powerful, driving support and awareness for crucial causes like Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Alec and Kaleb, popular for their appearances in commercials, typically get paid for their work. The payment amount varies based on the commercial’s scope and the terms of their contracts. They are compensated as per industry standards for their roles in advertising campaigns.

Introduction To Do Alec And Kaleb Get Paid For Commercials

In the world of advertising, child actors play a pivotal role in capturing the audience’s attention. Two such notable figures are Alec Cabacungan and Kaleb Wolf De Melo, who are widely recognized for their appearances in Shriners Hospitals for Children commercials. Their charm and authenticity have won the hearts of millions. 

But a question that frequently arises is, “Do Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials?” In this article, we will explore this question in depth, analyzing the factors involved, the ethical considerations, and providing a well-rounded perspective on the compensation of child actors in non-profit advertising.

Who Are Alec and Kaleb?

Alec Cabacungan and Kaleb Wolf De Melo are spokeskids for Shriners Hospitals for Children, a non-profit healthcare system dedicated to pediatric care. Alec, born with brittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta), has become the face of Shriners, appearing in numerous commercials that advocate for donations to the organization. Kaleb, another patient of Shriners, has also gained popularity for his role in these heartfelt advertisements.

1. The Role of Child Actors in Non-Profit Commercials:

Child actors like Alec and Kaleb bring an emotional connection to commercials that promote charitable causes. Their stories of resilience and hope resonate deeply with audiences, encouraging donations and support for organizations like Shriners Hospitals. But does this visibility translate to financial compensation?

2. Understanding Compensation in Non-Profit Advertising:

Non-profit organizations like Shriners Hospitals often operate under different financial structures than for-profit businesses. Their primary focus is on fundraising and providing services, which may impact how they compensate their actors. This brings us to the core question: Do Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials?

3. Factors Influencing Compensation:

  • Non-Profit Status: Shriners Hospitals is a non-profit organization, meaning that its primary goal is not profit generation but serving the community. This status can influence how funds are allocated, often prioritizing patient care and services over commercial production costs.
  • Public Perception: There’s a delicate balance in how non-profits manage their finances. Paying child actors could be perceived negatively by the public, who may expect that donations go directly to patient care rather than advertising.
  • Legal Considerations: Child labor laws in the United States ensure that child actors are fairly compensated for their work, regardless of the type of organization. However, the specifics of these payments, especially in non-profit settings, can vary.
  • In-Kind Compensation: In some cases, child actors in non-profit commercials may receive in-kind compensation rather than direct payments. This could include medical care, scholarships, or other forms of support from the organization.

Do Alec and Kaleb Get Paid? The Possible Scenarios

While there is no public disclosure of the exact financial arrangements between Shriners Hospitals and Alec or Kaleb, we can consider several plausible scenarios:

  • Direct Payment: It is possible that Alec and Kaleb receive standard child actor wages for their appearances in commercials. This would be in line with child labor laws and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work.
  • In-Kind Benefits: Given the nature of Shriners Hospitals, Alec and Kaleb may receive in-kind compensation, such as continued medical care, educational support, or other benefits that contribute to their well-being.
  • Voluntary Participation: Another possibility is that Alec and Kaleb or their families have chosen to participate in these commercials voluntarily, without monetary compensation, as a way of giving back to the organization that has provided them with care.

The Ethical Perspective: Should They Be Paid?

The ethical question of whether Alec and Kaleb should be paid for their roles in commercials is complex. On one hand, child actors should be fairly compensated for their work, especially when their image and story are being used to generate donations. On the other hand, if Alec and Kaleb are receiving significant benefits from Shriners in other forms, the need for direct payment may be less clear-cut.

1. Balancing Ethical Considerations:

  • Transparency: Non-profits like Shriners Hospitals should maintain transparency in how they manage compensation for spokespeople, especially when they are children. This ensures trust with the public and donors.
  • Fair Compensation: Regardless of the organization’s non-profit status, child actors should receive fair compensation, whether monetary or in-kind, to acknowledge their contribution.
  • Informed Consent: It’s crucial that Alec and Kaleb, along with their families, are fully informed and consenting participants in these commercials. They should understand the implications of their involvement and the nature of any compensation.

The Impact of Alec and Kaleb’s Commercials

The commercials featuring Alec and Kaleb have had a profound impact, both in terms of raising awareness for Shriners Hospitals and in shaping public perceptions of the challenges faced by children with serious medical conditions. Their stories inspire viewers and encourage charitable giving, making their roles invaluable to the organization.


1. Do Alec and Kaleb receive direct payment for their commercials?

The exact details of Alec and Kaleb’s compensation have not been publicly disclosed. It is possible that they receive standard child actor wages or in-kind benefits from Shriners Hospitals.

2. What kind of compensation might Alec and Kaleb receive?

Alec and Kaleb might receive direct monetary payments, in-kind benefits like continued medical care or educational support, or they may participate voluntarily without monetary compensation.

3. Why is compensation for child actors in non-profit commercials a complex issue?

Compensation for child actors in non-profit commercials is complex due to the ethical considerations, non-profit financial structures, and the need to balance public perception with fair treatment of the actors.

4. Are child actors legally required to be paid for their work?

Yes, under U.S. child labor laws, child actors must be fairly compensated for their work, regardless of the type of organization employing them.

5. What impact have Alec and Kaleb’s commercials had on Shriners Hospitals?

Alec and Kaleb’s commercials have significantly raised awareness and encouraged donations to Shriners Hospitals, making their contributions highly valuable to the organization.


“Do Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials?” is not only about financial compensation but also about the ethical and practical considerations involved in non-profit advertising. While the exact details may not be publicly known, it’s clear that Alec and Kaleb’s contributions to Shriners Hospitals go beyond monetary value. 

Their roles have not only raised awareness and funds for a vital cause but have also inspired millions of viewers with their stories of resilience. Whether compensated directly or through in-kind benefits, Alec and Kaleb’s involvement in these commercials highlights the importance of fair treatment and transparency in all forms of advertising, especially when it involves child actors.

By Jack

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