Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends Every Business Should Embrace in 2024

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends Every Business Should Embrace in 2024

Meta description: From AI personalization and automation to targeted ads and interactive content, we suggest you leverage these trends to grow your business and stay relevant in the fast-changing digital landscape.

One thing is certain in the digital marketing landscape – everything is constantly changing and evolving. What worked a decade ago has either evolved to a completely new thing or is no longer relevant today.

We also have a few digital marketing phenomena that never existed until a few years ago but are now impacting almost every area of marketing. A prime example is Artificial Intelligence (or AI). It’s only until 2022 that this digital marketing trend finally caught our attention.

Two years down the line and it’s already altered how we handle almost every aspect of digital marketing. From content creation to influencer marketing and PPC ads, none of them has been the same since AI made it to the mainstream.

In this article, we explore the top five digital marketing trends to take advantage of in 2024.

Link Building as a Key SEO Strategy

Perhaps the only SEO strategy that’s remained pretty prominent as a ranking factor over the years is link building. In a report prepared by FirstPageSage, backlinks now carry a 14% weight as a ranking factor.

Link Building as a Key SEO Strategy

Try checking all the pages that rank on Google’s first page using a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush, and the first thing you’ll notice is that almost all the pages ranking atop have a significant number of sites linking to them.

More interestingly, in the age of AI, where SEOS are harshly churning out huge amounts of AI-generated content, Google decided to go big on authority, and one way they can tell if a site is authority enough is if other high-authority websites have no trouble linking back to it.

If you’ve been in the business long enough, then you’ll have an easy time understanding why 78% of SEOs think link building is the most difficult part of SEO. Luckily, with a link building agency like , you can relax knowing there’s a dedicated and experienced link building team working tirelessly around the clock to get high-authority websites to link back to your site.

AI-Powered Personalization

AI has revolutionised how businesses engage with their target audiences. Today, AI-powered personalization and automation has become an even more critical digital marketing tool.

Businesses can now automate repetitive tasks, deliver personalised content that not only saves time but also makes their campaigns even more effective.

Here’s what businesses can do with AI:

  • Segment their audiences based on real-time data
  • Optimise their digital marketing campaigns by identifying what works and what doesn’t
  • Automate customer interactions across multiple marketing touchpoints.

The Rise of Video Marketing

Video marketing continues to reign supreme as one of the most powerful forms of digital marketing in 2024. Stats show they’ll be accounting for about 82% of all the internet traffic by the end of the year.

So, what makes video content that effective?

High Engagement

Videos have been found to be more effective at capturing people’s attention than plain text and static images, especially when posted on popular social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.

Improved Retention

Your customers are more likely to remember the information you share when it’s packaged in a video format.

Boosts SEO

Maybe you didn’t know, but videos significantly improve your search engine rankings. As a matter of fact, different studies show that pages with videos are 53% more likely to rank on Google’s first page than those without.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has been on almost every new year digital marketing trend list for close to five years now.

It’s a digital marketing trend that’s been growing steadily over the years, but in 2024, nearly 50% of all online searches are now voice-activated.

From Google Assistant to Amazon’s Alexa, consumers are now increasingly using voice commands to search for products, services, and information online.

So, why not enlist the services of a cross-border marketing agency such as Seeders to help you with this aspect of SEO?

Why optimise your website for voice search in 2024:

  • To adjust to changing consumer search behaviour
  • To stay ahead of the competition by optimising for top placement
  • To rank locally, considering many voice searches are location-based

Leveraging Social Commerce

Social media has taken over. People are increasingly scrolling through their social media feeds and buying from there. Most don’t even need to leave the platform to purchase the items or services they see, hence the name social commerce.

From groceries to trendy clothes, furniture to jewellery, there’s no limit to what you can buy directly from social media. That explains why almost every social media platform out there has plans to integrate ecommerce into their platform.

Overall, social commerce is a booming industry, projected to hit $1.2 trillion by 2025. So, how do you make the most of social commerce in 2024:

  • Leverage the superpowers of the popular social media networks, particularly Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
  • Promote your brand and product on all these social media platforms to increase awareness
  • Run ads on relevant social media platforms
  • Enlist the services of social media influencers, advisably those from your industry or niche


The digital marketing landscape has never been this competitive and dynamic. Businesses that embrace the digital marketing trends we just highlighted will always have an edge over their competitors.

By adapting to these trends, they should be able to connect with their target audiences more meaningfully, build trust, and most importantly, set their business on the right path to success.

By Jack

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